How to Start a Professional Dog-Walking Service
Must love dogs, and a sense of humor really helps. When I envisioned my dog-walking service, I saw myself dressed in a cute white sweater and 501 red-tag Levis, walking along the Pacific shoreline with six attentive, well-behaved Golden Retrievers and Labradors. Being my own boss, making my own hours and being around dogs all day long. What could be better? Reality hit on my second day of professional dog-walking, when I twisted my ankle
Don’t Get Bitten At Feeding Time
When it comes to pet snakes, the vast majority of snake bites occur during feeding time. Many of these are the result of improper feeding techniques. Among reptile geeks like myself, these are often referred to as stupid feeding errors or SFEs. I myself made an SFE several years ago with an otherwise docile rainbow boa, but I haven’t repeated the error since then. Usually, one SFE is all it takes before a snake keeper
7 Native Canadian Horse Breeds (With Pictures)
Canada is a vast country, home to busy cities, fierce wildlife, and beautiful, formidable landscapes. The Great White North is also home to some incredible horse breeds. The Canadian horse breeds are the Newfoundland Pony, Canadian Horse, Sable Island Horse, Lac La Croix Indian Pony, and Canadian Rustic Pony. Canada is also home to two Warmblood registries, the Candian Warmblood and the Canadian Sport Horse. Horses have a long history in Canada and these breeds
Twin Kittens Who Needed a Mother, Find Nurturing Cat to Help Raise Them
Twin kittens who needed a mother, found a nurturing cat to help raise them. @lilfosterbabes A pair of tabby kittens were brought into Baby Kitten Rescue for a chance at a better life. They were born at an emergency animal hospital to a cat who was unable to care for them. After a few days in intensive care, Pei Chiu, a foster volunteer, came to pick them up. She was surprised to see how far
I wondered, would I die of dehydration or hypothermia? Then the thought occurred to me: I was buried in an avalanche, high up in the Alps. So, it wouldn’t be dehydration. I had only to stick out my tongue to access an endless amount of snowy hydration. It would be the cold that would take me. Not a pleasant way to go, I thought. But just then, I heard it. The unmistakable sound of giant
What Does Your Pet Snake Eat?
Snakes are carnivores and eat only meat — and they will eat almost anything that is smaller or even slightly bigger than them. Feeding your pet snake a variety of mice, rat pups, frogs, lizards, fish, day old chicks, and even worms would sufficiently sustain their healthy diet. Whatever dietary needs they have for plants are met from their prey’s digestive tracts. Snakes in the wild eat a variety of animals found in the perimeter
Why Does Beth Hate Jamie on Yellowstone?
Jamie and Beth grew up as brother and sister on the popular Paramount Network series Yellowstone (2018- ). Beth made it clear from the start that she doesn’t trust Jamie, which later escalates into a vicious hatred. But why does Beth hate Jamie so much? Beth hates Jamie on Yellowstone because he is the reason she can’t have biological children. As a teenager, Beth got pregnant with Rip’s baby and asked Jamie for help. Without
Cat Waited Her Whole Life to Be Indoors, is Now Living the Dream Life with Her Kitten
A cat who waited her whole life to be indoors, is now living the dream life with her kitten. Remille the cat and Hardy the kittenChatons Orphelins Montréal A family who owns a remote farm near Montreal, Canada, started finding abandoned cats around their property, and the number increased over time. They took in those from the side of the road and tried their best to save them all. Soon they found themselves unable to