Tag: Dogs

Arson Dogs

Super Sniffers—there’s a new pooch at the firehouse. If you were to make a Molotov cocktail, you’d have to wash your hands at least 17 times before a dog would be unable to detect traces of petroleum on your skin. Until fairly recently, this information probably was not much of a concern to would-be flame-throwers.But these days, arsonists of every stripe should beware. While most fire departments have phased out the Dalmatian, fire investigative units

Turtle Dogs Fielded by the St. Louis Zoo’s Box Turtle Project

Boykin Spaniels lend a nose to box turtle conservation. Noses to the ground, seven Boykin Spaniels range across open grassland and into a forest of oak and hickory trees. They’re followed by a rangy guy in an orange high-viz vest and a pack of researchers in green vests. As one of the dogs nears a find—in this case, a three-toed box turtle—her tail begins wagging wildly. Once she locates the turtle, she carefully picks it up

5 Best Dog GPS Trackers for Small Dogs

Smart dog collars can now clue you into your dog’s health. The Bark is an affiliate of Kinship, a division of Mars pet care. Kinship’s portfolio of brands includes Whistle. Reuniting you with your lost pet only scratches the surface of what a GPS dog collar promises these days. A new generation of “smart” dog tracking collars can save your pet’s life in more ways than one. By monitoring your pup’s health and fitness —

Therapy Dogs in the ICU: Ease Suffering of Patients

At Johns Hopkins, therapy dogs used with critically ill patients help in patient recovery. Specially trained therapy dogs in the intensive care unit can substantially ease the physical and emotional suffering of patients, say clinicians. Therapy dogs have long been welcome “nonpharmacological interventions” for less sick hospitalized patients, but their presence in the ICU is new for many hospitals. A group of clinicians wrote in an editorial in the journal Critical Care that a therapy animal is

Noise Anxiety in Dogs: Common Household Noises May Be Stressing Your Dog

Study shows people likely underestimate their dog’s anxiety. Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have found that people may not recognize that their dog is stressed when exposed to common household noises. While it’s well established that sudden loud noises, such as fireworks or thunderstorms, commonly trigger a dog’s anxiety, a new study finds even common noises, such as a vacuum or microwave, can be a trigger. The study was published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science. The

Cat So Happy She Finds Comfortable Place for Her Kittens, Even Lets Sweet Dogs Kitten-sit Them

A cat was so happy that she landed a comfortable place for her kittens. She even let the resident dogs kitten-sit them. Angelica and her kittens@ilckenzoo Angelica was a young cat mom with three sickly kittens when they were brought into a county shelter a few weeks ago. She was stressed in the shelter environment, and they all needed lots of care and TLC. AnimalLuvr’s Dream Rescue took them in and arranged for a foster

Who Will Inherit Queen Elizabeth’s Beloved Horses and Dogs?

On September 8, 2022, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed away at the age of 96. Among the many things she leaves behind are her beloved animals. The Queen has always been a passionate equestrian. She began riding as a young child and rode all way up her final months of life. In her death, she leaves behind around 100 horses. She has owned many breeds of horses throughout her life including Fell ponies, Highland

The Film ‘Finch’ Explores How Dogs Help Define Humanity

Finch, staring Tom Hanks and a former rescue dog, explores the human-dog relationship. Finch, like other science fiction stories featuring dogs, explores the human-dog relationship in part to define what it means to be human. Tags:  news pop culture movies The Bark