Tag: Therapy

Oxygen Therapy for Dogs–Healing with Oxygen

Take a Deep Breath Somewhere in northern California, a tiny dog is still prancing around on four paws thanks to hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). Unbeknownst to the dog’s owner, a piece of string had become wrapped around his paw, hidden in the dog’s dense fur. As circulation in the paw slowed down, skin and tissue began to slough off. By the time the owner realized what was happening, the paw was in such bad shape

Therapy Dogs in the ICU: Ease Suffering of Patients

At Johns Hopkins, therapy dogs used with critically ill patients help in patient recovery. Specially trained therapy dogs in the intensive care unit can substantially ease the physical and emotional suffering of patients, say clinicians. Therapy dogs have long been welcome “nonpharmacological interventions” for less sick hospitalized patients, but their presence in the ICU is new for many hospitals. A group of clinicians wrote in an editorial in the journal Critical Care that a therapy animal is