Tag: Truck

UPS Driver Heard a Cat and Realized an Unexpected Passenger was on His Truck, Making His Route Interesting

A UPS driver heard a meow from a cat. He realized an unexpected passenger had snuck into his truck, making his morning route interesting. Buddy the catBarry Barry, a UPS driver, had an interesting morning route last Friday when his work was interrupted by an unexpected passenger. There were several inches of snow that day as Barry began his route in northern IL. “I pulled up to a customer’s house and entered the rear of

3 Kittens Came from Back of a Truck, Now Run Around Giving People, Other Cats and Even a Dog Their Adoration

Three kittens who came from the back of a dump truck, now run around giving people, other cats and even a dog their adoration. @kangaroothekitty Early last month, three tiny marmalade kittens were brought into Animal Fix Clinic after they had been found at a construction site. The kittens were just skin and bones and covered in dirt and grease. “They fell from the back of a dump truck. They were about three weeks old,”