Cat with 6 Kittens Moves into Home Environment after 10 Days in Shelter, Her Demeanor Completely Changes

A cat with six kittens moved into a home environment after 10 days in a shelter. Her demeanor completely changed.

cat tabby kittens Daisy and her kittens@alleycatrescue

A tabby cat named Daisy had a difficult couple of weeks during which she was rescued and gave birth to a large litter. She spent 10 days at a shelter on a “bite hold”, trying to keep her kittens safe.

Daisy was overcome with stress and wouldn’t let anyone near her babies. She was “acting aggressively” at the shelter and desperately needed help. “She had a few days not eating, and the week-old kittens stopped gaining weight,” Alley Cat Rescue shared.

“Our experienced fosters are set up to care for all types of mama cats, even feral ones, so we made the offer, and the shelter was happy to get the help.”

cat tabby daisy kittens Daisy started to relax when she was in a foster home@alleycatrescue

When Daisy stepped out of her carrier and into a quiet, comfortable room, she began to relax as if the weight of the stress was lifted off of her. She was pleased with the living arrangements and all the amenities.

After exploring around her new space, she plopped down on her side to tend to her young. Daisy was receptive to petting, blinking her eyes in contentment.

sweet cat nursing kittens @alleycatrescue

“It turns out that Daisy is a sweet girl who likes people and was just stressed and scared with so many newborns to protect. Now that she’s settled in and getting used to her foster, she has no problem letting them pick up the babies.”

In fact, Daisy seemed relieved to get some much-needed assistance and a break for herself.

sweet tabby cat mom kittens She was relieved to get some help and a break@alleycatrescue

It’s no easy feat to feed six hungry mouths. Daisy was a bit skinny upon arrival, so foster volunteers started supplementing the kittens to help alleviate the mother’s load.

When Daisy was not feeling well one evening, volunteers sprang into action. “She stopped eating and could hardly walk, yet continued to feed the babies. She was very thin, and all her nutrients were being diverted to the babies,” the rescue shared.

cat mom snuggling kittens Even when she was not feeling well, she continued to feed her babies@alleycatrescue

The kittens were bottle-fed for a few days to allow the mom some time to recuperate. “Daisy was given fluids and meds and has gradually improved.”

Once Daisy regained her appetite and strength, she resumed mommy duties as if nothing had ever happened.

cute panther kitty kitten @alleycatrescue

The kittens swarmed over to their mom while she cleaned each and every one of their faces. In no time, they were back on her belly, napping or nursing away in pure bliss.

cat snuggling kittens @alleycatrescue

All six kittens are growing in leaps and bounds. They are starting to venture out of the nest and getting braver and more inquisitive.

They keep their mom on her toes and cry for her attention whenever they want to be catered to.

sweet tabby kitten The kittens are getting bigger, stronger and more playful@alleycatrescue

One of the kittens, Cloud, decided to stay in the comfortable big bed while the rest of his siblings followed Mom to the corner of the room and nestled up with each other.

kitten cat snuggles Cloud the kitten decided to have the cat bed all to himself@alleycatrescue

With the help of many volunteers, Daisy and her six are thriving in a foster home. She continues to be a champion mother, keeping her kittens well fed and immaculately clean.

cat nursing kittens tabbies @alleycatrescue

Share this story with your friends. More on Daisy and her kittens and Alley Cat Rescue on Instagram @alleycatrescue and Facebook.

Related story: Kitten Comes Running to Traveling Couple and Hops into Their Arms, She Won’t Let Them Leave Her

Love Meow

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