Necoichi Extra Wide Ceramic Elevated Cat Bowl

The folks at Necoichi understand what cats need when it comes to food and water bowls. Maybe that’s not surprising, given that “necoichi” means to “cats first” in Japanese.

We are big fans of their raised water bowl with measurements. I have always kept track of water intake and litter box output for all my cats, but without measuring. After Ruby’s illness, I’m even more vigilant. Allegra is hyperthyroid, so keeping an eye on her kidney health is important. The bowl with the measurements makes tracking her water consumption so easy: I just make sure I always fill it to the same mark.

Allegra currently eats out of a shallow, flat dish, but I’ve been wanting to switch over to a raised bowl for quite some time.

Benefits of elevated food and water dishes

The most obvious benefit of a raised bowl is that it helps reduce strain on your cat’s neck joints, making them an especially good choice for senior cats or cats with arthritis. Elevated bowls can also help reduce some digestive issues. After all, when cats eat from floor height, their stomach becomes slightly depressed, so it’s conceivable that eating from a raised bowl might be more comfortable. Finally, a wide, elevated bowl can also reduce the mess around the bowl if your cat is a messy eater.


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The Conscious Cat

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