Tag: Changes

Shy Kitten Found Sitting at McDonald’s Drive-thru, Once Inside, Her Demeanor Completely Changes

A shy kitten was found sitting at a McDonald’s drive-thru. Once inside, her demeanor completely changed. Apple the kittenClare at Saving Stevie Last Friday, Clare, who volunteers for Saving Stevie (a cat rescue), received a text message about a stray kitten found at a local McDonald’s. “The kitty had been there since Monday. She was teeny and seemed to want help. She would come up to the car and cry but would bolt when the

Stray Cat Steps into a Home for the First Time After Being Outside for Years, His World Completely Changes

A stray cat stepped into a home for the first time after spending years outside. His world completely changed. PaddyChatonsOrphelinsMontreal While helping a colony of strays and rescuing them one by one, Linda and Marie-Chantale came across a black-and-white cat with a wounded ear. He was in poor condition after years of fending for himself and enduring the harsh elements. Shortly after setting up a humane trap, the hungry stray plodded in for food, unaware

Cat No One Could Handle Changes So Much After 8 Weeks with Kind Person Who Helps Her Kittens

A cat no one could handle at the shelter changed so much after eight weeks with a kind person who helped her and her kittens. Sandy the cat and her kittensHeidi at FosterKittenMama An orange and white cat was found heavily pregnant outdoors and brought to an animal shelter for help. The cat was extremely nervous, with her ears flattened against her head, and wouldn’t let anyone touch her. “No one there could handle her,”

Cat Found in a Park Hobbles into the Arms of Kind Person, His Life Changes from that Day on

A cat was found in a park and hobbled into the arms of a kind person. His life changed from that day on. Rousseau the cat@comrescuemontreal Early last month, a cat was found abandoned in a park near a busy street, with food and water next to him. When he tried to move, he hobbled around slowly. A Good Samaritan, Nathalie, learned about his plight through social media and leapt into action. She located the

Cat Said to Be ‘Unsocialized’ at Shelter Changes Completely When Kind People Open Their Home to Her Kittens

A cat who was said to be “unsocialized” at the shelter, completely changed when kind people opened their home to her kittens. Violetta the catEllen Richter Last week, a cat was found outside with a litter of kittens, struggling to survive. They were taken into the county shelter, but the cat mother was so stressed that she appeared agitated and unsocialized. Knowing that the shelter environment wasn’t ideal for the feline family, staff reached out

Kitten Crying All Night Outside Finds a New Cat Mom One Day, It Changes Everything for Her

A kitten who was found crying all night outside, got a new cat mom. It changed everything for her. Emilie Rackovan Early last month, a Good Samaritan heard what sounded like a kitten meowing outside incessantly. The cries went on all night but there was no sign of a mother cat. With the kitten wasting away by the hour, they reached out for help. “Despite their best efforts, they were unable to locate the mom.

Cat with 6 Kittens Moves into Home Environment after 10 Days in Shelter, Her Demeanor Completely Changes

A cat with six kittens moved into a home environment after 10 days in a shelter. Her demeanor completely changed. Daisy and her kittens@alleycatrescue A tabby cat named Daisy had a difficult couple of weeks during which she was rescued and gave birth to a large litter. She spent 10 days at a shelter on a “bite hold”, trying to keep her kittens safe. Daisy was overcome with stress and wouldn’t let anyone near her

Kitten Who Has Been Wandering Outside, Runs Toward Woman Who Changes Her Life Completely

A kitten who had been wandering outside, ran towards a woman who changed her life completely. Rue the kitten@tiny.paws.fosters Nadija, an animal rescuer and fosterer for AnimalLuvr’s Dream Rescue, was contacted about a kitten that had been hanging around a resident’s home. The little stray was just skin and bones, and her face was covered in crust. When Nadija saw the kitten’s condition, she rushed to the location and hoped to get the sickly feline