Tag: Saving

Kitten Clings to the People Who Come for Him After a Week at Shelter, They End Up Saving His Life

A kitten clung to the people who came for him, after a week at the shelter. They ended up saving his life. Owen the kitten@catasticalmeows A black and white kitten was brought into an animal shelter, desperately needing foster care. He had a mild upper respiratory infection and was very small for his age. Shelter staff sent out a plea for help, but after a week of waiting, no one showed up for him. Erin

8 Time Saving Ideas For Dog Guardians

Save time on boring tasks and spend it enjoying your dog It’s easy to love all the time that you spend with your dog, but that doesn’t apply to all the time you spend on your dog. Just as human kids do, dogs require an investment of time into mundane tasks. Minimizing the time we sink into some of the necessary parts of being dog guardians allows us more time to have fun with our